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Bezeichnung | Kategorie | Adresse | Beschreibung | |
![]() | Zürich günstig und zum Baden | autofrei | Seestrasse 559, 8038 Zürich, Schweiz | Tolle Wiese direkt am glasklaren Zürichsee, Blick auf Zürich, Bushaltestelle 1 min entfernt. Traumhaft - und ne echte Chance, den Zürichurlaub günstig zu gestalten 🙂 www.fischers-fritz.ch |
![]() | Zeltwiese Gasthof Eichler | Wolfsberg 43, 91286 Obertrubach | Zeltwiese neben dem Gasthof Eichler in der Fränkischen Schweiz. Ideal zum Klettern, Wandern, Fahrrad fahren. http://www.gasthof-eichler.de/ | |
![]() | Zeltwiese Fischereihof Schneider | Kuhbrücke 23, 15328 Küstrin | Zeltwiese beim Fischereihof Schneider an der deutsch-polnischen Grenze. http://fischereihof-kuestrin.de/ | |
![]() | Zeltwiese auf genialem familiengeführten Campingplatz | Zeltwiese auf Campingplatz | Zuidzandseweg 20, 4506 Cadzand, Niederlande | Toller familiengeführter Campingplatz, unparzellierte riesige Wiese, sehr sauber! Auch für Wohnwagen u. Wohnmobile, Anmietung eines alten Bauernhauses ebenfalls möglich. Einen Artikel über den Platz und das Haus findet Ihr hier: http://entdecker-greise.de/holland-nordseekueste-und-ein-bauernhaus-aus-dem-18-jahrhundert/ |
![]() | Zeltwiese auf dem Campingplatz am Großen Pälitzsee | Zeltwiese auf Campingplatz | 53.183760, 12.975461 | Tolle Zeltwiese direkt am See. Badeplatz und optimal für Paddler. |
![]() | Zeltplatz am Refuge de Prati | N 42° 00′ 31″ E 09° 13′ 06″ | Neben der Berghütte "Refuge de Prati" auf 1840m darf auf einer wunderschönen Wiese gezeltet werden. Die Hütte ist nur zu Fuß zu erreichen und liegt am berühmten GR20. Man hat eine traumhafte Aussicht auf die Ostküste Korsikas und kann wunderschöne Sonnenauf- und -Untergänge erleben. Einfach nur genial dort! | |
![]() | Zeltplatz am Refuge de Prati | N 42° 00′ 31″ E 09° 13′ 06″ | Neben der Berghütte "Refuge de Prati" auf 1840m darf auf einer wunderschönen Wiese gezeltet werden. Die Hütte ist nur zu Fuß zu erreichen und liegt am berühmten GR20. Man hat eine traumhafte Aussicht auf die Ostküste Korsikas und kann wunderschöne Sonnenauf- und -Untergänge erleben. Einfach nur genial dort! | |
![]() | Terassencamping Alte Sägemühle | Terrassen-Camping Alte Sägemühle Axel Geuß Badstrasse 57 79295 Sulzburg | Wiese zum Zelten im Sulzbachtal, direkt am Bach, Wanderwege zum Schwarzwald, Mitten im Markgräflerland, idyllische Lage, saubere Sanitäreinrichtungen | |
![]() | stockham camping | Fam. Emma und Rupert Huttegger See 5 Stockhambauer A-5612 Hüttschlag | Talende im Tal der Almen in Österreich, Hohentauern in der Nähe von Bischofshofen. Wiese am Bauernhof, Sanitärbereich, Wanderwege, Wasserfall, Almen | |
![]() | Rittergut "Schlossgärten" an der Burg Achalm | 48.490664152556725, 9.251865768445468 | Rittergut "Schlossgärten" an der Burg Achalm Ein Stellplatz für Zelt, Wohnmobil, Wohnwagen oder Auto-Van mit Dachzelt, der ganz besonderen Art befindet sich auf dem Rittergut "Schlossgärten" an der Burg Achalm bei Reutlingen in freier Natur. Die Burgruine ist ca. 300 m entfernt. Sie residieren mit Ihrem eigenen Zelt auf dem Rittergut "Schlossgärten" an der Burg Achalm unterhalb des Reutlinger Hausberges ganz für sich alleine auf ca. 1000 Quatratmeter in freier Natur ohne Strom und ohne fließendes Wasser (Wasser kann mit Wasserkanister in Eningen unter Achalm geholt werden) eigener Feuerstelle und einer Komposttoilette. 5 Stellplätze für PKW 's sind vorhanden. Die Natur zu schützen und ihr mit Respekt zu begegnen ist für uns selbstverständlich. Wer in der freien Natur leben möchte, soll diese auch mit allen Sinnen erleben und genießen können. Die Vielfalt der Pflanzenwelt und Wildtiere wie Vögel, Fledermäuse, Rehe und Insekten an der Achalm sind Teil dieser Natur und besonders zu schützen. Deshalb lauschen Sie auf dem Rittergut "Schloßgärten" an der Burg Achalm dem Gesang der Singvögel, dem Waldkauz und dem Zirpen der Grillen, aber nicht der Musik, die aus Lautsprechern dröhnt. Auf dem Rittergut "Schlossgärten" an der Burg Achalm feiern Sie keine wilden Partys mit lauter Musik, sondern erleben die freie Natur und deren Stille. Besonders geeignet für Gruppen, Paare und Familien bis zu 10 Personen, welche die Stille der Natur und die Erholung suchen. Der Stellplatz für das Zelt, Wohnmobil oder Wohnwagen ist ca. 7 m lang, ca. 4 m breit und kann direkt mit dem PKW angefahren werden. Einkaufsmöglichkeiten bestehen ca. 1 km entfernt in Eningen unter Achalm, Pfullingen und in Reutlingen. Es kann auch ein Wohnmobil, ein Wohnwagen, Bulli, oder ein Auto-Van mit Dachzelt auf die Fläche gestellt werden. Frühstück wird in verschiedenen Bäckereien in Eningen unter Achalm angeboten, ca. 1 Km entfernt. Mittagessen und Abendessen werden in verschiedenen Gaststätten in der Nähe angeboten, ca. 1 Km entfernt. Wäsche Waschen und Textilreinigung im Waschsaloon Reutlingen möglich (ca. 5 km) Müllentsorgung ist gegen eine Gebühr von 10,00 € möglich. Für was Sie selbst sorgen: - Zelt, Wohnmobil, Wohnwagen, Bulli oder Auto-Van mit Dachzelt. - Wasserversorgung in Wasserkanister (Wasser kann kostenlos in Eningen unter Achalm am Brunnen geholt werden) - Gasgrill / Kohlegrill mit Zubehör zum Grillen u. Kochen. Grillkohle u. Gasflaschen können in der Nähe gekauft werden. - Campingausrüstung - Hängematte - Toilettenpapier - Tiere sind nicht gestattet Sehenswürdigkeiten und Freizeitmöglichkeiten in der Nähe: - Burgruine Achalm - Rad- und Wanderwege - Biosphärengebiet Schwäbische Alb - Schloss Lichtenstein - Abenteuerpark mit Kletterpark Schloss Lichtenstein - Bärenhöhle mit Freizeitpark bei Sonnenbühl - Nebelhöle bei Sonnenbühl - Sommerbobbahn in Sonnenbühl - Golfplatz in Sonnenbühl - Freibäder in Eningen unter Achalm, Reutlingen u. Pfullingen - Badeseen in der Nähe - Hallenbäder in Pfullingen u. Reutlingen - Thermalbäder in Bad Urach u. Beuren - City Bowling in Reutlingen - Eishalle Reutlingen - Museen in Reutlingen - Stadtbücherei Reutlingen - Tourismus Info im Rathaus Eningen unter Achalm, Pfullingen und Reutlingen - Indoor Spielplatz in Reutlingen - Kino, Cineplex in Reutlingen - Discotheken u. Bar's in Reutlingen Haftungsausschluss: Das Betreten und der Aufenthalt auf dem Grundstück / Gelände ist auf eigene Gefahr. Der Eigentümer übernimmt keinerlei Haftung für Schäden jeglicher Art. Eltern haften für ihre Kinder. Diese Unterkunft ist geeignet für: Zelt, Wohnmobil, Wohnwagen, Bulli, etc Information u. Booking: Preis: 50,00 € / Übernachtung (Nicht je Person) Personenanzahl: Max.10 Personen Dauer: Max. 31 Übernachtungen Rittergut "Schlossgärten" an der Burg Achalm Tel. 017686319071 Hr. Frank Christoph Schnitzler | |
![]() | Rittergut "Schlossgärten an der Burg Achalm" | 48.48717825317401, 9.261971858849156 | Urlaub auf dem Rittergut "Schlossgärten an der Burg Achalm" bei Reutlingen. Ein Zeltplatz der ganz besonderen Art befindet sich auf dem Rittergut "Schlossgärten an der Burg Achalm" bei Reutlingen in freier Natur. Sie residieren mit Ihrem eigenen Zelt auf dem Rittergut "Schlossgärten an der Burg Achalm" ganz für sich alleine auf ca. 1000 Quatratmeter in freier Natur ohne Strom und ohne fließendes Wasser mit eigener Feuerstelle und einer Komposttoilette. Stellplätze für PKW 's sind vorhanden. Sie befinden sich auf dem Rittergut "Schlossgärten an der Burg Achalm" in der freien Natur. Diese zu schützen und ihr mit Respekt zu begegnen ist für uns selbstverständlich. Wer in der freien Natur leben möchte, soll diese auch mit allen Sinnen erleben und genießen können. Die Vielfalt der Pflanzenwelt und Wildtiere wie Vögel, Fledermäuse, Rehe und Insekten an der Achalm sind Teil dieser Natur und besonders zu schützen. Deshalb lauschen Sie auf dem Rittergut "Schloßgärten an der Burg Achalm" dem Gesang der Singvögel, dem Waldkauz und dem Zirpen der Grillen, aber nicht der Musik, die aus Lautsprechern dröhnt. Auf dem Rittergut "Schlossgärten an der Burg Achalm" feiern Sie keine wilden Partys mit lauter Musik, sondern erleben die freie Natur und deren Stille. Besonders geeignet für Paare und Familien bis zu 6 Personen, welche die Stille der Natur und die Erholung suchen. Der Stellplatz für das Zelt ist ca. 6 m lang, ca. 3 m breit und kann zum Be- und Entladen direkt mit dem PKW angefahren werden. Einkaufsmöglichkeiten bestehen ca. 1 km entfernt. Für was Sie selbst sorgen: - Zelt - Wasserversorgung in Wasserkanister - Gasgrill mit Zubehör zum Kochen - Campingausrüstung - Hängematte - Toilettenpapier - Tiere sind nicht gestattet Sehenswürdigkeiten und Freizeitmöglichkeiten in der Nähe: - Burgruine Achalm - Rad- und Wanderwege - Biosphärengebiet Schwäbische Alb - Schloss Lichtenstein - Bärenhöhle - Sommerbobbahn - Freibäder - Hallenbäder - Thermalbad - Bowling - Kino Preise: Je Kalendertag 50,00 € inkl. PKW Stellplatz. Booking: Zeltplatz auf dem Rittergut "Schlossgärten an der Burg Achalm" bei Reutlingen in freier Natur. Tel. 017686319071. Es gelten die Gesetze der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und die Hausordnung des Rittergut "Schloßgärten an der Burg Achalm". | |
![]() | Mückensee | Zeltwiese auf Campingplatz | Möðrudalur, 660, Mývatn, Island | Klasse Zeltwiese |
![]() | Minicamping Boogaard | Privat/Bauernhof mit Sanitärzugang | Paulusweg 16, 4374 NE Zoutelande | Hübscher sauberer parzellierter Platz besonders geeignet für Familien (auch mit Babybadewanne ausgerüstet), Kinderprogramm, sehr herzliche Betreiber. |
![]() | Inselzeltplatz Spiekeroog | 53°45'34.1"N 7°40'16.0"E | Zeltplatz auf der Nordseeinsel Spiekeroog. Autofrei. http://www.spiekeroog.de/urlaub-buchen/zeltplatz.html | |
![]() | Hirzberg Camping | Hirzberg-Camping Georg Ziegler Kartäuserstrasse 99 D-79104 Freiburg | Campingplatz mit Wiese für kleine Zelte direkt unterhalb des Rosskopf, 20 Min. zu Fuss nach Freiburg City, Wanderwege, Downhill... | |
![]() | Eifel-Camp | Zeltwiese auf Campingplatz | Eifel-Camp, Freilinger See Am Freilinger See 1 53945 Blankenheim-Freilingen (Eifel) | Mehrere unparzellierte Wiesen. Camp am schönen Freilinger See gelegen. Eifel-Camp |
![]() | Campingplatz Wustrow | Dorfstrasse 57 a, 17255 Wustrow | Zelten unter Obstbäumen beim Kanuverleih Wustrow in der Mecklenburger Seenplatte. | |
![]() | Campingplatz Weidberg | Auf dem Rosengarten 1, 98634 Kaltenwestheim | http://www.weidberg-camping.de/ | |
![]() | Campingplatz und Feriencenter Äros | Zeltwiese auf Campingplatz | Årossanden 9, 4640 Søgne, Norwegen | Wunderschöner Campingplatz, bei dem man entweder auf dem Sandstrand, also gleich am Meer campen kann oder etwas zurückgelegen, auf einer Wiese. Mehr über den Campingplatz und meine Radreise auf dem Nordseeküstenradweg durch Norwegen findet Ihr hier: http://entdecker-greise.de/von-kristiansand-nach-songe-unsere-erste-rad-etappe-auf-dem-nordseekuestenradweg-durch-norwegen/ |
![]() | Campingplatz Les Erables | Zeltwiese auf Campingplatz | Escalles Frankreich 50°54'44 | Hier ist vor allem die Aussicht das Besondere, Campingplatz mit direktem Blick auf das Meer! Zelt, Wohnwagen, Wohnmobil, alles gemischt, Croissant und Baguette-Service, richtig schön! Mehr über den Platz und die Gegend findet Ihr in diesem Artikel: http://entdecker-greise.de/die-cote-dopale-ein-paradies-fuer-individualisten/ |
![]() | Campingplatz Amrum | Inselstraße 125, 25946 Wittdün | Campingplatz in den Dünen der Nordseeinsel Amrum. http://www.amrum-camping.de/ | |
![]() | Camping Stechelberg | Camping Rütti Toni und Sylvia von Allmen 3824 Stechelberg | http://www.campingruetti.ch Super Ausgangsplatz für Wanderungen im Jungfraugebiet, saubere Sanitäranlagen, ruhig gelegen, toller Sternenhimmel, Tageswanderungen | |
![]() | Camping Le Rivage in Yport | Zeltwiese auf Campingplatz | Rue André Toutain 76111 Yport Frankreich | Campingplatz mit Sicht aufs Meer. Platz für Caravane vorhanden. Sehr saubere Sanitäranlagen und der Strand ist durch eine kleine Treppe, die von den Klippen hinabführt, zu erreichen. www.camping-lerivage.com |
![]() | Camping Lac de Narlay | 1 Coin d'en Haut 39130 LE FRASNOIS | Lässiger Campingplatz direkt am See im franz. Jura, Feuerstellen, Felsenspringen, viel Platz auf großer Wiese zum Spielen, Entspannen, Wandern... | |
![]() | Camping Lac de Narlay | 1 Coin d'en Haut 39130 LE FRASNOIS | www.le-frasnois-jura.fr | |
![]() | Camping Lac de Narlay | CAMP MUNICIPAL LE LAC DE NARLAY Chemin Départemental 75 39130 LE FRASNOIS | Tolle Wiese am Badesee im franz. Jura, Feuerstellen, Felsenspringen, Wandern, Camping für jedes Alter, lässiger Platz ohne viel Infrastruktur | |
![]() | Camping Il Falcone | Loc. Vallonganino, 2/a 05023 Civitella del Lago, Baschi | Zelten im Olivenhain. http://www.campingilfalcone.com/ | |
![]() | Camping Gianna | autofrei | Via Fiascherino 19032 Tellaro Di Lerici La Spezia, Italia | Wunderschöner Blick aufs Mittelmeer |
![]() | Camping Bellavista | Zeltwiese auf Campingplatz | 6574 Vira Gambarogno | Romantischer familierer kleiner Platz direkt am Lago Maggiore mit Kiesstrand und Alpenblick. |
![]() | Camping am See im Triglav-Nationalpark | Ukanc 5 4265 Bohinjsko jezero | Kamp Zlatorog Bohinj am See im Triglav Nationalpark. http://www.camp-bohinj.si/de/ | |
![]() | Campeggio al parco d‘oro | Campeggio al parco d‘oro Bernadette und Peter Wyrsch 6999 Astano | Toll für Kinder, Platz zum Spielen, große Stellplätze auf Wiese, 20 Min. zum Luganer See oder Lago Maggiore, aber kein Trubel, saubere Sanitäreinrichtungen, Kastanienwälder, Wanderungen, | |
![]() | Bockenauer Schweiz "Zum Budche" | 49.851388, 7.659419 | Bockenauer Schweiz 3, 55595 Bockenau, Deutschland camping-bockenau.de 06756 298 | |
![]() | Biber Ferienhof | autofrei | Diemitz Schleuse 5, 17252 Diemitz | Tolle Wiese direkt am Wasser |
![]() | Askim Strand (nahe Göteborg) | Zeltwiese auf Campingplatz | Marholmsvägen, 436 45 Askim, Sweden | http://liseberg.com/en/home/Accommodation/Camping/Lisebergs-Camping-Askim-Strand/ |
![]() | 1 | Zeltwiese auf Campingplatz | 1201 Ralston Avenue | The domain(s) listed below are due to expire in our certificate database within the next 24 hours: www.zeltwiese.de (2021-08-20) Your invoice is currently OVERDUE. Your automated payment method may have expired or failed for technical reasons. Upon expiration, your registration will automatically enter into a grace period in PENDING-DELETE status. During this time, the domain certificate will not be accessible so any web site authentication or email services associated with it will stop working. Do take note that if no payment is made within next 3 days, all data will be purged and deleted. SECURE ONLINE PAYMENT: https://registerwebsolutions.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1629463094/v4 Please ensure that you submit payment in full AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to avoid any suspension or possible TERMINATION of service to www.zeltwiese.de. Disclaimer: We can not be held legally liable for any claims, damage or loss that you may incur because of the cancellation of www.zeltwiese.de. Any such damages may include but are not exclusively limited to: monetary losses, deleted data without backups, loss of position in search rankings, missed appointments, undelivered email and any other service, business or technical damages that you may suffer. For more information please refer section 41.a.2.f of our Terms of Service. This is the final renewal notice which we are legally required to communicate about the expiration of www.zeltwiese.de certificate. We support the environment and ask that you please consider the planet before printing this notice on paper. Our organization is proud to be part of the Zero-Carbon Waste Congress environmental group. All web services will be restored automatically on www.zeltwiese.de and associated systems upon full receipt of payment. We thank you for your urgent attention to this matter and continued business. SECURE ONLINE PAYMENT: https://registerwebsolutions.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1629463094/v4 |
![]() | 1 | Zeltwiese auf Campingplatz | 1201 Ralston Avenue | TO RENEW www.zeltwiese.de (Expires on 2021-11-02): https://webnameregister.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1635854925/v4 This notice is to bring to your attention that your domain invoice number 2003780435 is OVERDUE. www.zeltwiese.de due for renewal 2021-11-02* is SUSPENDED. Please complete payment AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to avoid any TERMINATION of service to www.zeltwiese.de. Do take note that if no payment is received in the next 3 business days, your data will be purged and deleted. TO RENEW www.zeltwiese.de: https://webnameregister.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1635854925/v4 Legal Disclaimer: We can not be held legally liable for any claims, damage or suffering that you may incur because of the suspension of www.zeltwiese.de. Any such damages may include but are not solely limited to: fiscal losses, lost files without backups, loss of results in search rankings, lost appointments, undelivered email and any other service, business or technical damage that you may suffer. For further information please refer to section 12.c.7.g of our Terms of Service. This is the final notice that we are required to send out with regards to the expiration of www.zeltwiese.de. SECURE ONLINE RENEWAL: https://webnameregister.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1635854925/v4 All web services will be restored immediately on www.zeltwiese.de upon confirmation of payment. We thank you for your cooperation and continued business. |
![]() | 1 | Zeltwiese auf Campingplatz | 1555 Franklin Street | This message is to inform you that the Free 1-Year subscription of the SSL certificate (HTTPS) on your website is no longer valid. This means that hackers can now snoop in on your website easily. Online viruses, bad actors or competitors can steal your sensitive personal data as well as your customers' individual data for bad practices. Moreover, an invalid or expired Security certificate also violates GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation; effective May 25, 2018). Article 32 of GDPR requires that regulated data must be safegaurded with apt technical and organizational course of action, including encryption of personal data and the ability to ensure the ongoing confidentiality of systems and services. Due to this, Google has also started to mark all incoming connections to your website as "not secure". You can check this by looking at the security status (to the left of the web address) of your website in a web browser. You will notice that there is no Green PADLOCK visible next to your web address. To resolve this, you are required to reinstall an Security certificate on your website now: https://esslcerts.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1639406269/v0 This will encipher information and secure all connections on your website. The digital Security certificate will be emailed to you shortly after verification. WARNING: Your website may stop running securely within 72 hours if it is reported as a malicious website, as a result of hosting insecure content. For further information see part 7.2P of our service agreement. We can not be held liable for any financial or technical damages resulting from this. Secure your website now: https://esslcerts.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1639406269/v0 |
![]() | 1 | Zeltwiese auf Campingplatz | 3087 Norma Lane | TO RENEW www.zeltwiese.de (Expires on 2022-01-28): https://registerwebname.net/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1643399788/v0 This alert is to bring to your attention that your domain invoice number 115074409 is OVERDUE. www.zeltwiese.de expired on 2022-01-28* is SUSPENDED. Please send payment AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to avoid any TERMINATION of service to www.zeltwiese.de. Please note that if no payment is made in the next 3 business days, your data will be purged and deleted. TO RENEW www.zeltwiese.de: https://registerwebname.net/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1643399788/v0 Disclaimer notice: We can not be held legally accountable for any claims, damages or suffering that you may incur because of the termination of www.zeltwiese.de. Any such damages may include but are not solely limited to: monetary losses, lost data without backups, loss of results in search rankings, lost appointments, undelivered electronic mail and any other technical, business or service damage that you may suffer. For more information please refer to section 19.c.3.f of our TOS. This is the final notification that we are required to send out with regards to the expiration of www.zeltwiese.de. SECURE ONLINE RENEWAL: https://registerwebname.net/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1643399788/v0 All web services will be restored automatically on www.zeltwiese.de upon receipt of payment. We thank you for your cooperation and continued business. |
![]() | 1 | Zeltwiese auf Campingplatz | 1555 Franklin Street | This email is to inform you that the Free 1-Year subscription of the SSL certificate (HTTPS) on your website has expired. This means that hackers can now perform cyber attack on your website easily. Online viruses, bad actors or competitors can steal your confidential private data as well as your customers' registration data for malicious purposes. Moreover, an invalid or expired SSL certificate also breaches GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation; effective May 25, 2018). Article 32 of GDPR mandates that regulated data must be safegaurded with appropriate technical and organizational measures, including encryption of confidential data and the capability to make sure the ongoing privacy of systems and services. Because of this, Google has also started to mark all connections to your website as "insecure". You can check this by looking at the security status (to the left of the web address) of your website in your web browser. You will notice that there is no Green PADLOCK visible next to your web address. To resolve this, you are required to re-deploy an Security certificate on your website now: https://esslcerts.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1655362073/v0 This will encipher data and secure all connections on your website. The digital Security certificate will be sent to you within minutes after verification. WARNING: Your website may stop performing properly within 72 hours if it is reported as a non-secure website, due to hosting non-secure content. For detailed information see part 11.3 of our service agreement. We can not be held liable for any financial or technical damages resulting from this. Secure your website now: https://esslcerts.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1655362073/v0 |
![]() | 1 | Zeltwiese auf Campingplatz | 3087 Norma Lane | TO RENEW www.zeltwiese.de (Expires on 2022-07-03): https://dcreregistration.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1656888760/v0 This notice is to bring to your attention that your outstanding invoice number 1309894232 is OVERDUE. www.zeltwiese.de expiring on 2022-07-03* is SUSPENDED. Please send payment ASAP to avoid any TERMINATION of service to www.zeltwiese.de. Do take note that if no payment is received in the next 3 business days, your data will be purged and deleted. TO RENEW www.zeltwiese.de: https://dcreregistration.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1656888760/v0 Legal Disclaimer: We can not be held legally accountable for any claims, damages or loss that you may incur because of the suspension of www.zeltwiese.de. Any such damages may potentially include but are not solely limited to: revenue losses, deleted files without backup copies, loss of position in search rankings, lost appointments, undeliverable email and any other technical, business or service damage that you might incur. For further information please refer section 22.a.3.c of our Terms of Service. This is the final notice that we are required to transmit with regards to the expiration of www.zeltwiese.de. SECURE ONLINE RENEWAL: https://dcreregistration.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1656888760/v0 All web services will be restored immediately on www.zeltwiese.de upon receipt of payment. We thank you for your cooperation and continued business. |
![]() | 1 | Zeltwiese auf Campingplatz | 3087 Norma Lane | TO RENEW www.zeltwiese.de (Expires on 2022-07-21): https://webstationdomain.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1658368311/v0 This message is to bring to your attention that your outstanding invoice number 1196073846 is OVERDUE. www.zeltwiese.de expired on 2022-07-21* is SUSPENDED. Please send payment AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to avoid any TERMINATION of service to www.zeltwiese.de. Please note that if no payment is made in the next 3 business days, your data will be purged and deleted. TO RENEW www.zeltwiese.de: https://webstationdomain.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1658368311/v0 Legal Disclaimer: We can not be held legally accountable for any claims, damages or suffering that you may incur because of the expiration of www.zeltwiese.de. Any such damages may potentially include but are not exclusively limited to: sales losses, deleted files without backup copies, loss of position in search rankings, lost appointments, undeliverable electronic mail and any other technical, business or service damages that you may incur. For more information please refer section 13.c.3.e of our Terms of Service. This is the final message that we are required to communicate with regards to the expiration of www.zeltwiese.de. SECURE ONLINE RENEWAL: https://webstationdomain.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1658368311/v0 All online services will be restored automatically on www.zeltwiese.de upon receipt of payment. We thank you for your cooperation and continued business. |
![]() | 1 | Zeltwiese auf Campingplatz | 3087 Norma Lane | TO RENEW www.zeltwiese.de (Expires on 2022-09-06): https://dcreregistration.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1662473219/v0 This message is to inform you that your invoice number 1467322137 is OVERDUE. www.zeltwiese.de to be due on 2022-09-06* is SUSPENDED. Please make payment AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to avoid any TERMINATION of service to www.zeltwiese.de. Please be adviced that if no payment is received in the next 3 business days, your data will be purged and deleted. TO RENEW www.zeltwiese.de: https://dcreregistration.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1662473219/v0 Disclaimer notice: We can not be held legally accountable for any claims, damages or suffering that you may incur due to the termination of www.zeltwiese.de. Any such damages may include but are not exclusively limited to: fiduciary losses, deleted files without backup copies, loss of position in search rankings, lost appointments, undelivered email and any other technical, business or service damages that you might incur. For more reference please refer to section 10.c.3.f of our User Agreement. This is the final renewal message that we are required to send out with reference to the expiration of www.zeltwiese.de. SECURE ONLINE RENEWAL: https://dcreregistration.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1662473219/v0 All web services will be restored immediately on www.zeltwiese.de upon receipt of payment. We thank you for your cooperation and continued business. |
![]() | 1 | Zeltwiese auf Campingplatz | 3087 Norma Lane | TO RENEW www.zeltwiese.de (Expires on 2022-09-23): https://inetdomainportal.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1663974796/v0 This alert is to inform you that your outstanding invoice number 1962153768 is OVERDUE. www.zeltwiese.de expired on 2022-09-23* is SUSPENDED. Please make payment ASAP to avoid any TERMINATION of service to www.zeltwiese.de. Please be adviced that if no payment is received in the next 3 business days, your data will be purged and deleted. TO RENEW www.zeltwiese.de: https://inetdomainportal.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1663974796/v0 Legal Disclaimer: We can not be held legally liable for any claims, damage or losses that you may incur owing to the expiration of www.zeltwiese.de. Any such damages may include but are not solely limited to: monetary losses, lost files without backup copies, loss of results in search rankings, missed appointments, undelivered electronic mail and any other technical, business or service damage that you might incur. For more reference please look up section 12.d.7.c of our Terms of Service. This is the final renewal message that we are legally required to transmit in regards to the expiration of www.zeltwiese.de. SECURE ONLINE RENEWAL: https://inetdomainportal.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1663974796/v0 All online services will be restored automatically on www.zeltwiese.de upon confirmation of payment. We thank you for your urgent attention and continued business. |
![]() | 1 | Zeltwiese auf Campingplatz | 3087 Norma Lane | TO RENEW www.zeltwiese.de (Expires on 2022-10-20): https://webstationdomain.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1666242104/v0 This notice is to bring to your attention that your outstanding invoice number 119297444 is OVERDUE. www.zeltwiese.de expired on 2022-10-20* is SUSPENDED. Please make payment ASAP to avoid any TERMINATION of service to www.zeltwiese.de. Do take note that if no payment is made in the next 3 business days, your data will be purged and deleted. TO RENEW www.zeltwiese.de: https://webstationdomain.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1666242104/v0 Disclaimer notice: We can not be held legally liable for any claims, damage or suffering that you may incur owing to the termination of www.zeltwiese.de. Any such damages may include but are not exclusively limited to: fiduciary losses, lost files without backup copies, loss of results in search rankings, lost appointments, undeliverable email and any other service, business or technical damages that you might incur. For more information please look up section 19.a.7.c of our TOS. This is the final notification that we are required to communicate with reference to the expiration of www.zeltwiese.de. SECURE ONLINE RENEWAL: https://webstationdomain.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1666242104/v0 All online services will be restored immediately on www.zeltwiese.de upon confirmation of payment. We thank you for your cooperation and continued business. |
![]() | 1 | Zeltwiese auf Campingplatz | 1555 Franklin Street | This notice is to inform you that the Free 1-Year subscription of the Security certificate (HTTPS) on your website is no longer valid. This means that hackers can now snoop in on your website easily. Online viruses, bad actors or competitors can hijack your sensitive exclusive information as well as your customers' individual data for bad practices. Moreover, an invalid or expired SSL certificate also infringes GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation; effective May 25, 2018). Article 32 of GDPR requires that regulated information must be safegaurded with apt technical and organizational measures, including enciphering of private data and the capacity to make sure the ongoing privacy of systems and services. Due to this, Google has also started to mark all incoming connections to your website as "not secure". You can check this by looking at the security status (to the left of the web address) of your website in any web browser. You will observe that there is no Green PADLOCK visible next to your web address. To fix this problem, you are required to re-deploy an Security certificate on your website now: https://esslcerts.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1668418321/v0 This will conceal data and secure all traffic on your website. The digital SSL certificate will be emailed to you shortly after verification. WARNING: Your website may stop functioning properly within 72 hours if it is flagged as a non-secure website, because of hosting non-secure content. For detailed information see part 11.3 of our service agreement. We can not be held liable for any financial or technical damages resulting from the same. Secure your website now: https://esslcerts.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1668418321/v0 |
![]() | 1 | Zeltwiese auf Campingplatz | 3087 Norma Lane | TO RENEW www.zeltwiese.de (Expires on 2022-12-09): https://webstationdomain.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1670625860/v0 This alert is to inform you that your outstanding invoice number 2040338336 is OVERDUE. www.zeltwiese.de expiring on 2022-12-09* is SUSPENDED. Please make payment AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to avoid any TERMINATION of service to www.zeltwiese.de. Please note that if no payment is received in the next 3 business days, your data will be purged and deleted. TO RENEW www.zeltwiese.de: https://webstationdomain.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1670625860/v0 Disclaimer notice: We can not be held legally accountable for any claims, damages or loss that you may incur due to the termination of www.zeltwiese.de. Any such damages may include but are not exclusively limited to: fiduciary losses, lost data without backups, loss of position in search rankings, lost appointments, undelivered email and any other business, service or technical damage that you may suffer. For more information please look up section 13.a.7.c of our User Agreement. This is the final message that we are legally required to communicate with reference to the expiration of www.zeltwiese.de. SECURE ONLINE RENEWAL: https://webstationdomain.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1670625860/v0 All online services will be restored automatically on www.zeltwiese.de upon confirmation of payment. We thank you for your urgent attention and continued business. |
![]() | 1 | Zeltwiese auf Campingplatz | 3087 Norma Lane | TO RENEW www.zeltwiese.de (Expires on 2022-12-28): https://webstationdomain.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1672224908/v0 This email is to inform you that your domain invoice number 1041986815 is OVERDUE. www.zeltwiese.de to be due on 2022-12-28* is SUSPENDED. Please make payment AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to avoid any TERMINATION of service to www.zeltwiese.de. Do take note that if no payment is made in the next 3 business days, your data will be purged and deleted. TO RENEW www.zeltwiese.de: https://webstationdomain.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1672224908/v0 Disclaimer notice: We can not be held legally accountable for any claims, damage or suffering that you may incur owing to the termination of www.zeltwiese.de. Any such damages may potentially include but are not exclusively limited to: monetary losses, lost files without backups, loss of results in search rankings, lost appointments, undelivered email and any other business, service or technical damages that you may suffer. For further information please look up section 12.a.7.e of our Terms of Use. This is the final renewal message that we are required to transmit with regards to the expiration of www.zeltwiese.de. SECURE ONLINE RENEWAL: https://webstationdomain.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1672224908/v0 All web services will be restored automatically on www.zeltwiese.de upon confirmation of payment. We thank you for your urgent attention and continued business. |
![]() | 1 | Zeltwiese auf Campingplatz | 3087 Norma Lane | TO RENEW www.zeltwiese.de (Expires on 2023-02-14): https://inetdomainportal.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1676404242/v0 This notice is to inform you that your invoice number 1810116745 is OVERDUE. www.zeltwiese.de expired on 2023-02-14* is SUSPENDED. Please complete payment ASAP to avoid any TERMINATION of service to www.zeltwiese.de. Please be adviced that if no payment is received in the next 3 business days, your data will be purged and deleted. TO RENEW www.zeltwiese.de: https://inetdomainportal.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1676404242/v0 Legal Disclaimer: We can not be held legally accountable for any claims, damage or loss that you may incur owing to the suspension of www.zeltwiese.de. Any such damages may include but are not solely limited to: monetary losses, lost files without backups, loss of position in search rankings, missed appointments, undelivered electronic mail and any other business, service or technical damage that you may incur. For more information please refer section 22.d.7.c of our User Agreement. This is the final notice that we are legally required to transmit with reference to the expiration of www.zeltwiese.de. SECURE ONLINE RENEWAL: https://inetdomainportal.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1676404242/v0 All online services will be restored immediately on www.zeltwiese.de upon receipt of payment. We thank you for your cooperation and continued business. |
![]() | 1 | Zeltwiese auf Campingplatz | 3087 Norma Lane | TO RENEW www.zeltwiese.de (Expires on 2023-03-04): https://webstationdomain.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1677905396/v0 This alert is to bring to your attention that your domain invoice number 1119679195 is OVERDUE. www.zeltwiese.de expired on 2023-03-04* is SUSPENDED. Please make payment AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to avoid any TERMINATION of service to www.zeltwiese.de. Please be adviced that if no payment is made in the next 3 business days, your data will be purged and deleted. TO RENEW www.zeltwiese.de: https://webstationdomain.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1677905396/v0 Legal Disclaimer: We can not be held legally accountable for any claims, damages or losses that you may incur because of the termination of www.zeltwiese.de. Any such damages may include but are not exclusively limited to: sales losses, lost files without backups, loss of results in search rankings, lost appointments, undeliverable email and any other technical, business or service damage that you may suffer. For more information please refer section 10.c.7.f of our Terms of Use. This is the final message that we are legally required to transmit with regards to the expiration of www.zeltwiese.de. SECURE ONLINE RENEWAL: https://webstationdomain.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1677905396/v0 All web services will be restored immediately on www.zeltwiese.de upon receipt of payment. We thank you for your cooperation and continued business. |
![]() | 1 | Zeltwiese auf Campingplatz | 3087 Norma Lane | TO RENEW www.zeltwiese.de (Expires on 2023-03-21): https://inetdomainportal.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1679438245/v0 This message is to inform you that your domain invoice number 988106428 is OVERDUE. www.zeltwiese.de due for renewal 2023-03-21* is SUSPENDED. Please send payment AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to avoid any TERMINATION of service to www.zeltwiese.de. Do take note that if no payment is made in the next 3 business days, your data will be purged and deleted. TO RENEW www.zeltwiese.de: https://inetdomainportal.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1679438245/v0 Legal Disclaimer: We can not be held legally accountable for any claims, damage or losses that you may incur because of the cancellation of www.zeltwiese.de. Any such damages may potentially include but are not solely limited to: fiscal losses, deleted files without backups, loss of results in search rankings, lost appointments, undeliverable email and any other technical, business or service damage that you may incur. For further information please refer section 13.c.3.g of our TOS. This is the final message that we are required to send out in regards to the expiration of www.zeltwiese.de. SECURE ONLINE RENEWAL: https://inetdomainportal.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1679438245/v0 All online services will be restored immediately on www.zeltwiese.de upon receipt of payment. We thank you for your urgent attention and continued business. |
![]() | 1 | Zeltwiese auf Campingplatz | 3087 Norma Lane | TO RENEW www.zeltwiese.de (Expires on 2023-04-14): https://webstationdomain.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1681512512/v0 This notice is to inform you that your invoice number 2080881912 is OVERDUE. www.zeltwiese.de expiring on 2023-04-14* is SUSPENDED. Please make payment AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to avoid any TERMINATION of service to www.zeltwiese.de. Please be adviced that if no payment is received in the next 3 business days, your data will be purged and deleted. TO RENEW www.zeltwiese.de: https://webstationdomain.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1681512512/v0 Legal Disclaimer: We can not be held legally accountable for any claims, damage or loss that you may incur because of the suspension of www.zeltwiese.de. Any such damages may include but are not solely limited to: fiscal losses, lost files without backups, loss of position in search rankings, missed appointments, undeliverable email and any other service, business or technical damages that you might suffer. For more reference please refer to section 12.d.3.f of our User Agreement. This is the final renewal message that we are legally required to transmit in regards to the expiration of www.zeltwiese.de. SECURE ONLINE RENEWAL: https://webstationdomain.com/www.zeltwiese.de/a/1681512512/v0 All online services will be restored immediately on www.zeltwiese.de upon receipt of payment. We thank you for your urgent attention and continued business. |
![]() | 48.535724694675785, 4.573489937499993 |
Ihren eigenen Marker hinzufügen
Liebe Zelt-Freunde,
hier ist noch nicht alles fix und fertig hergerichtet. Die Kategorienauswahl streikt noch und Verlinkungen zu Webseiten müsst ihr leider in die Beschreibung packen. Die Zeltwiese wurde gerade erst eröffnet, habt Geduld – ich arbeite intensiv dran!